Two of Wands
Tarot Card Meaning

Minor Arcana
  • Exploration
  • Planning
  • Partnerships
Two of Wands tarot card from the Rider–Waite Tarot Deck
The Two of Wands tarot card from the Rider–Waite Tarot Deck

The Two of Wands is a card that represents possibility, potential, and exploration. In the image on the card, a figure stands on a balcony, holding a globe in one hand and a wand in the other. This symbolizes the balance between thought and action, as well as the ability to envision new horizons and take steps towards achieving them.

The figure's posture suggests confidence and a sense of purpose. They are looking out into the distance, contemplating the vast opportunities ahead. The presence of the globe indicates a global perspective and the willingness to explore new territories. Overall, the Two of Wands embodies the energy of planning, making decisions, and embarking on a journey of personal growth.

What does the Two of Wands card mean?

Two of Wands Upright Meaning

In general, the Two of Wands represents planning, preparation, and the beginning stages of a new project or venture. It signifies a time of possibility and potential, where you have the ability to shape your own future. It is a reminder to think big and set your sights on your long-term goals. This card can also indicate a partnership or collaboration that has the potential to bring success and expansion.

Two of Wands Reversed Meaning

In general, the Two of Wands reversed may indicate a lack of direction or clarity in your life. You may be feeling overwhelmed by the choices and possibilities before you, and struggling to make a decision. It is important to take a step back and assess your options, focusing on what truly aligns with your values and aspirations. This card also serves as a reminder to overcome any fears or limitations that may be holding you back from pursuing your goals.

Two of Wands
Tarot Card Interpretations

in Love & Relationships

In matters of love and relationships, the Two of Wands suggests that you may be feeling a sense of restlessness or a desire for more in your current romantic situation. You may be yearning for excitement and adventure. This card encourages you to have open and honest conversations with your partner about your desires and explore new experiences together. If you are single, this card invites you to step outside of your comfort zone and be open to new connections.

in Career & Finances

In terms of career and finances, the Two of Wands indicates a time of planning and strategizing. You may be considering new opportunities or contemplating a change in direction. This card encourages you to think long-term and assess the potential outcomes of your actions. It is a reminder to take calculated risks and be proactive in pursuing your goals. Collaboration and partnerships may also play a significant role in your professional endeavors.

in Health & Well-being

When it comes to health and well-being, the Two of Wands suggests that you may need to take a proactive approach in assessing your overall health. It encourages you to explore new wellness practices and consider making long-term lifestyle changes. This card also signifies a need to expand your horizons and seek different perspectives or treatment options. Trust your intuition and take charge of your own well-being.

Two of Wands
Tarot Card Advice

Two of Wands Upright Advice

When the Two of Wands appears upright in a reading, it is a message to embrace your potential and take the necessary steps to manifest your goals and dreams. This card encourages you to explore new possibilities, venture into uncharted territory, and expand your horizons. You have the power to make choices that will shape your future. It is a reminder to trust in yourself and your abilities to create the life you desire.

Two of Wands
Tarot Card Outcomes


  • Embrace new experiences
  • Step outside of your comfort zone
  • Travel and visit new places


  • Set long-term goals
  • Create a strategic roadmap
  • Think ahead and consider potential outcomes


  • Collaborate with others
  • Forge alliances for mutual benefit
  • Seek supportive and like-minded individuals

Two of Wands
Tarot Card Pairings

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