Eight of Cups
Tarot Card Meaning

Minor Arcana
  • Change
  • Introspection
  • Emotional fulfillment
Eight of Cups tarot card from the Rider–Waite Tarot Deck
The Eight of Cups tarot card from the Rider–Waite Tarot Deck

The Eight of Cups is a card that represents a turning point in one's emotional journey. The imagery on the card depicts a person walking away from a stack of cups, symbolizing the decision to leave behind something that was once emotionally fulfilling. The figure in the image is setting out on a journey, clad in a cloak that billows in the wind, suggesting a sense of determination and purpose.

This card often signifies a need for introspection and a desire to move away from situations or relationships that no longer serve one's emotional well-being. It can be seen as a card of personal growth and the pursuit of inner fulfillment.

What does the Eight of Cups card mean?

Eight of Cups Upright Meaning

In a general context, the Eight of Cups suggests that you are ready to leave behind what no longer serves you emotionally. It signals a period of introspection and a desire for personal growth and fulfillment. This card encourages you to listen to your heart and follow your intuition when making important decisions, even if it means leaving behind familiar people or situations.

Eight of Cups Reversed Meaning

In a reversed position, the Eight of Cups suggests that you may be avoiding necessary emotional growth or refusing to let go of toxic people or situations. It signals a resistance to change and an unwillingness to confront your true emotions. This card urges you to be honest with yourself and face the areas of your life that are causing you discontentment.

Eight of Cups
Tarot Card Interpretations

in Love & Relationships

When it comes to love and relationships, the Eight of Cups can represent the need for change and emotional growth. It may indicate that you have outgrown a current relationship or that it is time to explore new opportunities. This card advises you to trust your instincts and have the courage to let go of what no longer brings you joy and happiness.

in Career & Finances

In terms of career and fortune, the Eight of Cups signals a need for change or a shift in direction. You may find that your current job or professional path no longer fulfills you emotionally. This card suggests that it might be time to explore new opportunities or consider a different career path that aligns more closely with your passions and values.

in Health & Well-being

When it comes to matters of health and spirit, the Eight of Cups indicates a need for self-reflection and emotional healing. It may be beneficial to take some time for yourself to recharge and evaluate any emotional patterns or issues that may be affecting your overall well-being. This card encourages you to prioritize self-care and pursue activities that bring you peace and joy.

Eight of Cups
Tarot Card Advice

Eight of Cups Upright Advice

If you have drawn the Eight of Cups upright in a reading, it suggests that you may be feeling emotionally drained or unfulfilled in certain aspects of your life. It is a powerful indication that it may be time to let go of people, situations, or habits that no longer bring you joy or satisfaction. Although it may be difficult to leave behind what is familiar, this card encourages you to prioritize your emotional well-being and embark on a new path that aligns with your true desires and values.

Eight of Cups
Tarot Card Outcomes


  • Letting go of what no longer serves you
  • Embracing personal growth
  • Exploring new paths and opportunities


  • Reflecting on your emotions
  • Prioritizing self-reflection
  • Connecting with your inner self

Emotional fulfillment

  • Pursuing what brings you joy
  • Aligning with your true desires
  • Seeking emotional satisfaction

Eight of Cups
Tarot Card Pairings

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