Six of Wands
Tarot Card Meaning

Minor Arcana
  • Victory
  • Triumph
  • Recognition
Six of Wands tarot card from the Rider–Waite Tarot Deck
The Six of Wands tarot card from the Rider–Waite Tarot Deck

The Six of Wands is a card that represents victory, success, and recognition. In the Rider-Waite Tarot deck, the imagery depicts a triumphant figure on horseback, holding a staff adorned with a laurel wreath. The horse is adorned with another wreath, signifying the honor and acclaim that comes with accomplishment. The figure is surrounded by a joyous crowd, celebrating their achievements. The card exudes a sense of confidence, triumph, and public recognition.

The Six of Wands is often associated with personal achievements and receiving recognition for one's efforts. It can signify a breakthrough after a period of hard work, where one's skills and abilities are acknowledged and celebrated by others. This card speaks to the feeling of being on top of the world, basking in the glory of success and enjoying the admiration and support of those around you.

What does the Six of Wands card mean?

Six of Wands Upright Meaning

In general, the upright Six of Wands represents triumph, success, and recognition. It signifies a period of accomplishment and victory after enduring struggles and obstacles. You may have overcome challenges and emerged stronger, gaining the admiration and support of those around you. This card encourages you to embrace your achievements with grace and humility, as well as to inspire others through your success.

Six of Wands Reversed Meaning

When the Six of Wands appears reversed, it may indicate a temporary setback in your journey towards success and recognition. You may be experiencing delays in achieving your goals or facing obstacles that hinder your progress. It is important to reassess your strategies and find new ways to overcome these challenges. Remember that setbacks are a natural part of any journey, and they can provide valuable lessons and opportunities for growth.

Six of Wands
Tarot Card Interpretations

in Love & Relationships

In love and relationships, the Six of Wands indicates a phase of harmony and triumph. It may symbolize a successful partnership or the acknowledgment of your efforts within a relationship. If you are single, it suggests that you may soon meet someone who appreciates and celebrates you. This card reminds you to share your joy and successes with your partner or loved ones, as they will derive happiness from your accomplishments as well.

in Career & Finances

Regarding career and finances, the Six of Wands is an extremely positive card. It suggests that you are on the right path and that your hard work and dedication will yield success. This card may indicate a promotion, public recognition for your work, or a project that receives praise. It reminds you to continue striving for excellence and to inspire your colleagues with your achievements. Financially, it is a good time to invest and make bold decisions that can lead to growth and prosperity.

in Health & Well-being

In terms of health and spiritual matters, the Six of Wands represents a time of physical and emotional well-being. It indicates that you are on the path to recovery and success. You have the strength and resilience to overcome any health challenges you may be facing. It also suggests that you are spiritually aligned and in harmony with your higher purpose. Continue to take care of your body and nurture your spiritual well-being.

Six of Wands
Tarot Card Advice

Six of Wands Upright Advice

If you have drawn the Six of Wands upright in a reading, it is a powerful indicator of success and victory. This card suggests that you are about to receive recognition for your talents, hard work, and accomplishments. It is a time to celebrate your achievements and be proud of what you have accomplished. Embrace the applause and admiration from others, as you have earned it. Use this moment to boost your self-confidence and inspire others with your success.

Six of Wands
Tarot Card Outcomes


  • Celebrate your accomplishments
  • Embrace recognition
  • Inspire others with your success
  • Be confident in your abilities
  • Enjoy the admiration from others


  • Overcome obstacles
  • Bask in the glory of success
  • Feel on top of the world
  • Express gratitude for your journey
  • Share your achievements with others


  • Achieve acknowledgment
  • Receive praise for your work
  • Appreciate your supporters
  • Inspire and motivate others
  • Use your success to make a positive impact

Six of Wands
Tarot Card Pairings

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