King of Pentacles
Tarot Card Meaning

Minor Arcana
  • Financial Stability
  • Success
  • Leadership
  • Generosity
King of Pentacles tarot card from the Rider–Waite Tarot Deck
The King of Pentacles tarot card from the Rider–Waite Tarot Deck

The King of Pentacles is a regal and powerful figure in the world of tarot. As a member of the suit of Pentacles, he represents the element of Earth and embodies the qualities of stability, abundance, and material wealth. In this card, we see a distinguished king sitting on a throne adorned with symbols of wealth and prosperity. He holds a golden scepter and wears a crown that signifies his authority and success. The lush landscape in the background further reinforces the theme of abundance and fertility.

The King of Pentacles exudes a strong sense of security and practicality. He is a master at managing his resources and has a keen eye for business opportunities. With his diligent work ethic and patient nature, he has built a solid foundation for himself and those around him. This card symbolizes the pinnacle of success in the material realm, representing financial stability, accomplishment, and the culmination of hard work.

What does the King of Pentacles card mean?

King of Pentacles Upright Meaning

The King of Pentacles in the upright position represents financial security, abundance, and success. It is a card that signifies the rewards of hard work and responsible decision-making. This card often appears when you have achieved a level of stability in your life and feel confident in your abilities. It is a reminder to continue building and expanding upon your success while also maintaining a sense of generosity and purpose.

King of Pentacles Reversed Meaning

When the King of Pentacles appears in a reversed position, it can indicate a temporary setback or a lack of stability in your life. This card suggests that you may be facing challenges in managing your finances or experiencing difficulties in your career. It is essential to assess your current situation and identify areas where you can make improvements. Seek guidance and support from trusted advisors or financial experts to regain control and stability.

King of Pentacles
Tarot Card Interpretations

in Love & Relationships

When it comes to love and relationships, the King of Pentacles suggests a partnership characterized by stability and security. If you are in a committed relationship, this card indicates that you and your partner are likely to have a solid foundation built on trust, loyalty, and financial security. If you are single, the King of Pentacles may represent a potential partner who possesses the qualities of stability, responsibility, and material success.

in Career & Finances

In the realm of career and finances, the King of Pentacles is an auspicious card. It signifies a time of professional growth, leadership, and financial rewards. You have worked hard to establish yourself in your career, and now you are reaping the benefits. This card encourages you to continue working diligently, using your resources wisely, and seizing opportunities for growth and advancement. With your practical approach and attention to detail, you have the potential to reach new heights of success.

in Health & Well-being

The King of Pentacles is associated with physical well-being and overall health. It suggests that you are in a period of stability and vitality. Your commitment to maintaining a balanced and healthy lifestyle has paid off, and you are enjoying the benefits of your efforts. This card encourages you to continue prioritizing your health and taking practical steps towards your well-being. Consider incorporating activities such as yoga, meditation, or outdoor walks into your routine to enhance your physical and mental health.

King of Pentacles
Tarot Card Advice

King of Pentacles Upright Advice

If you have drawn the King of Pentacles in an upright position, it is a positive sign of steady progress and material success. This card suggests that you have the ability to bring your ideas and plans into reality with great success. You have a natural knack for managing your financial affairs and are likely to experience an increase in your wealth or resources. It is important to continue harnessing your practical skills and remaining steadfast in your efforts. Use your influence and resources to benefit others as well, as the King of Pentacles also symbolizes generosity and establishment.

King of Pentacles
Tarot Card Outcomes

Financial Stability

  • Manage your finances with diligence and responsibility
  • Invest in long-term wealth-building strategies
  • Make informed and practical decisions regarding money


  • Embrace your achievements and celebrate your hard work
  • Set new goals and aim for continued growth
  • Use your influence and expertise to help others succeed


  • Take charge and lead by example
  • Delegate tasks effectively and motivate others
  • Make decisions with confidence and authority


  • Share your abundance with others
  • Support charitable causes and those in need
  • Use your resources to make a positive impact

King of Pentacles
Tarot Card Pairings

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