King of Cups
Tarot Card Meaning

Minor Arcana
  • Emotional intelligence
  • Compassion
  • Emotional stability
King of Cups tarot card from the Rider–Waite Tarot Deck
The King of Cups tarot card from the Rider–Waite Tarot Deck

The King of Cups is a regal and compassionate figure in the world of tarot. As the ruler of emotions and intuition, this card represents a person who is balanced, empathetic, and trustworthy. The King of Cups sits on his throne, holding a cup representing the realm of emotions. His robes are adorned with fish and sea creatures, symbolizing his deep connection to the subconscious and the mysteries of the ocean.

With his calm demeanor and serene posture, the King of Cups exudes a sense of inner peace and emotional stability. His presence in a reading suggests the need to harness your empathetic nature and intuition to navigate through emotional situations with grace and wisdom.

What does the King of Cups card mean?

King of Cups Upright Meaning

In a general sense, the King of Cups represents emotional maturity, compassion, and understanding. This card signifies that you have reached a level of emotional stability and are able to approach situations with empathy and kindness. Your ability to remain calm and centered in the midst of emotional storms serves as an example and inspiration to others.

King of Cups Reversed Meaning

In reverse, the King of Cups may indicate emotional turmoil, insecurity, or suppressed emotions. You may be struggling to maintain emotional balance and may find yourself overwhelmed by feelings that are difficult to express. Take the time to understand and address the underlying causes of these emotional challenges in order to find healing and stability.

King of Cups
Tarot Card Interpretations

in Love & Relationships

In matters of love and relationships, the King of Cups indicates a harmonious and empathetic partnership. If you are in a relationship, it suggests that you and your partner are in sync emotionally and are able to provide support and understanding for one another. Single individuals may find a potential partner who embodies the qualities of emotional intelligence and compassion that they seek.

in Career & Finances

In the realm of career and finances, the King of Cups suggests that success will come through your emotional intelligence and ability to connect with others. You possess the skills to lead and inspire a team, creating a harmonious work environment. Trust your intuition when making important decisions, as your emotional intelligence will guide you to the right choices.

in Health & Well-being

When it comes to health and spirituality, the King of Cups advises you to tap into your intuition and emotional well-being. Listen to your body and trust your instincts in matters of health. This card may also indicate a need for emotional healing and self-care. Explore practices such as meditation, yoga, or therapy to restore balance and inner peace.

King of Cups
Tarot Card Advice

King of Cups Upright Advice

If you have drawn the King of Cups in an upright position, it is a sign that you possess emotional intelligence and are able to navigate through challenging situations with grace. This card advises you to use your empathy and intuition to connect with others on a deeper level. Cultivate emotional balance and remain calm in the face of adversity. Your ability to understand and empathize with others will bring you closer to resolving conflicts and creating harmony in all relationships.

King of Cups
Tarot Card Outcomes

Emotional intelligence

  • Express empathy and understanding
  • Remain calm and centered in emotional situations
  • Connect with others on a deeper level


  • Show kindness and support to others
  • Practice self-compassion and self-care
  • Approach conflicts with empathy and understanding

Emotional stability

  • Cultivate emotional balance
  • Stay grounded in the midst of emotional storms
  • Process and address unresolved emotions

King of Cups
Tarot Card Pairings

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