Eight of Swords Tarot Card Meaning
Minor Arcana - Limitation ⚜
- Trapped ⚜
- Self-imposed restrictions

The Eight of Swords is a card that carries a deeply symbolic and powerful message. In the traditional Rider-Waite tarot deck, the image depicts a woman blindfolded and bound, surrounded by eight swords standing in the ground. She appears trapped, confined in a circle of steel. However, upon closer inspection, it becomes clear that the swords do not touch her, and there is a way out. This card is a representation of limited perception, self-imposed restrictions, and the need to break free.
The symbolism in the Eight of Swords is profound. The blindfold suggests an inability to see the truth or the options that exist. The woman being bound represents a feeling of powerlessness or being trapped in a challenging situation. The swords, although not directly harming her, create an atmosphere of fear and potential harm. It is a card that speaks to the limitations we place upon ourselves mentally and emotionally.
What does the Eight of Swords card mean?
Eight of Swords Upright Meaning
In a general context, the Eight of Swords indicates a sense of entrapment or restriction. It suggests that you may believe you are trapped or bound by circumstances, but in reality, you have more control than you recognize. It is a card that highlights the need to break free from limiting beliefs or self-imposed restrictions to realize your full potential. Understand that the power to change your situation lies within you.
Eight of Swords Reversed Meaning
In the reversed position, the Eight of Swords signifies a breakthrough or the awareness that you have the power to overcome your limitations. You are gradually unraveling the mental and emotional constraints that have held you back, gaining more clarity and understanding. Use this newfound freedom to make choices that align with your true self and embrace personal growth.
Eight of Swords
Tarot Card Interpretations
in Love & Relationships
When it comes to love and relationships, the Eight of Swords suggests that you may feel trapped or restricted within a partnership. It could indicate a lack of open communication or a fear of expressing your true feelings. It is important to address any underlying issues and have open and honest conversations with your partner. Find the strength and courage to break free from unhealthy patterns and embrace a more authentic and fulfilling connection.
in Career & Finances
In a career context, the Eight of Swords signifies a feeling of being stuck or limited in your professional life. You may feel confined by unfulfilling work or restricted opportunities for growth. This card is a gentle reminder that true freedom lies in your ability to make conscious choices. Evaluate your current situation and explore new possibilities. Break free from the mental constraints that hold you back and pursue a career path that aligns with your passions and aspirations.
in Health & Well-being
When it comes to health and well-being, the Eight of Swords suggests the need to examine your mental and emotional state. It is possible that you are placing unnecessary restrictions on yourself, which can hinder your overall well-being. Focus on releasing any self-limiting beliefs or negative thought patterns. Explore practices such as meditation and mindfulness to cultivate a more positive and empowering mindset.
Eight of Swords
Tarot Card Advice
Eight of Swords Upright Advice
If you have drawn the Eight of Swords in an upright position, it is a sign that you may be feeling trapped in a situation of your own making. The blindfold signifies a lack of awareness or the unwillingness to acknowledge the truth. It is important to recognize that the limitations you perceive are often self-imposed. The key to freeing yourself lies within your mindset and the choices you make. Take a step back and assess the situation objectively. Look beyond the immediate challenges and consider alternative perspectives and possibilities. Embrace the courage to face your fears and make the necessary changes to break free from the mental or emotional constraints that hold you back.
Eight of Swords
Tarot Card Outcomes
- Recognize self-imposed barriers
- Expand your perspective
- Evaluate your beliefs and thoughts
- Challenge assumptions
- Embrace courage to face fears
- Find ways to break free
- Seek alternative solutions
- Release negative mental patterns
- Explore unconventional options
- Trust in your intuition
Self-imposed restrictions
- Acknowledge your power and agency
- Take responsibility for your choices
- Identify limiting beliefs
- Cultivate a growth mindset
- Seek support from others
Eight of Swords Reversed
Tarot Card Interpretations
in Love & Relationships
When the Eight of Swords appears reversed in a love reading, it suggests that you are beginning to break free from restrictive patterns or a stagnant relationship. It may be time to reevaluate your needs and desires, and have open and honest conversations with your partner. Embrace the opportunity to create a more fulfilling and authentic connection.
in Career & Finances
In a career context, the reversed Eight of Swords indicates that you are breaking free from limitations and exploring new possibilities. It could signify a shift in your professional life, where you are finally pursuing a path that aligns with your passions and goals. Embrace the freedom to make choices that empower your career growth.
in Health & Spirit
The reversed Eight of Swords suggests that you are stepping out of self-imposed limitations and embracing a more empowered mindset when it comes to your health. You are becoming aware of the mental and emotional factors that influence your well-being and actively working towards releasing any negative beliefs or patterns. Embrace this newfound freedom to cultivate a healthier and more balanced life.
Eight of Swords Reversed
Tarot Card Advice
Eight of Swords Reversed Advice
When the Eight of Swords appears in a reversed position, it suggests that you are beginning to break free from the limitations and restrictions that have been weighing you down. You are regaining your power and finding the strength to remove the blindfold and see the truth. Use this liberated energy to overcome any remaining obstacles and fully embrace the freedom that awaits you. Take advantage of the newfound clarity and make bold choices that align with your authentic self. Trust in your abilities and have faith that you can navigate your way out of any challenging situation.
Eight of Swords Reversed
Tarot Card Outcomes
- Embrace personal growth
- Make empowering choices
- Embody self-awareness
- Open up to new possibilities
- Trust your intuition
- Recognize your power within
- Embrace personal freedom
- Release old thought patterns
- Trust your instincts
- Reevaluate your situation
- Gain a new perspective
- Seek deeper understanding
- Break free from limitations
- Align with your authentic self
- Make conscious choices