Two of Swords
Tarot Card Meaning

Minor Arcana
  • Decision-making
  • Inner conflict
  • Crossroads
Two of Swords tarot card from the Rider–Waite Tarot Deck
The Two of Swords tarot card from the Rider–Waite Tarot Deck

The Two of Swords is a card that represents a moment of decision and inner conflict. In the image, we see a woman blindfolded, sitting with her arms crossed, holding two swords in front of her. The blindfold indicates the need to go within and rely on intuition rather than external distractions or influences. The crossed arms symbolize a stalemate or a refusal to make a choice, while the swords suggest the need for a logical and analytical approach to find a balanced solution.

This card presents a situation where a decision must be made, but a clear choice is not evident. The Two of Swords signifies the need to harmonize opposing forces within oneself and weigh different options before moving forward.

What does the Two of Swords card mean?

Two of Swords Upright Meaning

In a general sense, the Two of Swords indicates a state of inner conflict and decision-making. It represents a crossroads where you must choose between two paths or options. This card suggests the importance of finding balance and harmony within yourself before making a choice. It advises you to rely on your intuition and consider both the logical and emotional aspects of the situation. It may also signify a time of temporary peace or truce.

Two of Swords Reversed Meaning

When the Two of Swords appears reversed, it signifies a refusal or avoidance of making a decision. You may be stuck in indecision or afraid of making the wrong choice. This card advises you to confront your fears and address any internal conflicts that are hindering your progress. It may also indicate the need for outside assistance to gain clarity and find a resolution.

Two of Swords
Tarot Card Interpretations

in Love & Relationships

In matters of love and relationships, the Two of Swords suggests a period of uncertainty and a need to make a decision. It could indicate a crossroads where you must choose between two potential partners or two different paths for the relationship. Take the time to assess your feelings and consider what aligns with your values and desires. Communication and honest discussions are vital to finding a resolution.

in Career & Finances

When it comes to career and finances, the Two of Swords indicates a need to make a choice or decision regarding your professional life. You may be at a crossroads, contemplating a job change or a significant career move. This card advises you to weigh the pros and cons of each option, consider your long-term goals, and tune in to your intuition. It may also suggest a need for balance between work and personal life.

in Health & Well-being

In terms of health and well-being, the Two of Swords encourages you to listen to your body and pay attention to any signs or symptoms that may require your attention. It may indicate a need for a second opinion or further evaluation. Take the time to reflect on your overall health and find the balance between physical and mental well-being. This card reminds you to trust your intuition and seek guidance when needed.

Two of Swords
Tarot Card Advice

Two of Swords Upright Advice

When the Two of Swords appears upright in a reading, it serves as a reminder that a decision must be made. Take the time to assess all relevant factors and weigh the pros and cons of each option. Trust your intuition and listen to your inner voice. Consider seeking advice from others who can provide different perspectives. Ultimately, the decision rests with you, so choose wisely and be willing to accept the consequences of your choice.

Two of Swords
Tarot Card Outcomes


  • Assess the options
  • Consider pros and cons
  • Trust your intuition
  • Find a balance within
  • Listen to your inner voice

Inner conflict

  • Evaluate opposing forces
  • Seek harmony and balance
  • Reflect on conflicting emotions
  • Face your fears
  • Resolve internal struggles


  • Examine your choices
  • Weigh different paths
  • Consider long-term implications
  • Explore all possibilities
  • Deliberate before deciding

Two of Swords
Tarot Card Pairings

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