Tarot Card Meaning

Major Arcana
  • Fairness
  • Balance
  • Accountability
Justice tarot card from the Rider–Waite Tarot Deck
The Justice tarot card from the Rider–Waite Tarot Deck

The Justice card in the Tarot deck is a powerful and significant card that often represents fairness, balance, and the consequences of our actions. Depicted as a figure sitting on a throne, holding a sword in one hand and scales in the other, Justice signifies the need for taking responsibility and making unbiased decisions.

This card is associated with legal matters, fairness, and the pursuit of truth. It suggests that we must weigh our choices carefully and consider all perspectives before making a decision. It reminds us that our actions have consequences, and that justice will ultimately prevail.

What does the Justice card mean?

Justice Upright Meaning

In a general context, the Justice card represents fairness, truth, and accountability. It indicates that you may be facing a situation where fairness and impartiality are crucial. It encourages you to consider all the facts and make decisions based on logic and reason rather than emotions. This card serves as a reminder to take responsibility for your actions and to consider the consequences before moving forward.

Justice Reversed Meaning

When the Justice card appears in reverse, it may indicate a lack of balance, dishonesty, or injustice. It serves as a warning to examine your actions and motivations. It is essential to address any unfair practices or negative behavior patterns and work towards finding a more equitable resolution.

Tarot Card Interpretations

in Love & Relationships

When it comes to love and relationships, the Justice card suggests a need for balance and equality. If you are in a committed partnership, it encourages open and honest communication. It may also indicate the need for a fair resolution or compromise if you have been experiencing conflict. If you are single, the Justice card encourages you to seek a relationship based on mutual respect and equality.

in Career & Finances

In the context of career and finance, the Justice card suggests that the outcome will be based on fairness and merit. It signifies a time of evaluation and accountability, and it may indicate legal matters or contract negotiations. This card reminds you to act ethically and fairly in your professional endeavors and to be mindful of the consequences of your actions.

in Health & Well-being

When it comes to health and spirituality, the Justice card reminds you of the importance of balance and moderation. It suggests that maintaining a healthy lifestyle and making ethical choices will lead to positive outcomes. This card may indicate the need to address any imbalances or unresolved issues in your physical or emotional well-being. Focus on finding harmony and fairness in all aspects of your life.

Tarot Card Advice

Justice Upright Advice

If you draw the Justice card upright in a reading, it serves as a reminder to seek fairness and balance in your life. Take a step back and evaluate the situations you are currently facing. Are you being just in your actions? Are you treating others with fairness and respect? It may be time to make a decision or resolve a conflict, and Justice gently guides you to consider the consequences of your choices and seek a fair resolution.

Tarot Card Outcomes


  • Seeking justice in all aspects of life
  • Acting in an unbiased manner
  • Weighing decisions carefully
  • Respecting others' perspectives
  • Taking responsibility for your actions


  • Striving for harmony in relationships
  • Maintaining a healthy work-life balance
  • Finding equilibrium in all areas of life
  • Considering the consequences of choices
  • Creating a sense of stability


  • Taking ownership of your actions
  • Accepting the consequences of decisions
  • Acting ethically and responsibly
  • Honoring commitments and obligations
  • Seeking resolutions based on fairness

Tarot Card Pairings

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