Six of Swords Tarot Card Meaning
Minor Arcana - Transition ⚜
- Healing ⚜
- Guidance
The Six of Swords is a card that depicts a small boat being guided across calm waters. In the boat are a woman and child, along with a figure cloaked in a dark hood. The boat moves away from turbulent waters towards calmer shores. The scene in the card symbolizes a journey of transition, where the woman and child leave behind a difficult past and move towards a brighter future.
The water in the card represents emotions, and the boat signifies the means of moving forward. The figure in the boat can be seen as a symbolic guide, offering support and protection during the journey. Overall, the Six of Swords carries a message of hope, healing, and the promise of a better tomorrow.
What does the Six of Swords card mean?
Six of Swords Upright Meaning
In general, the Six of Swords represents transition, a turning point, and leaving behind a challenging situation. It signifies a journey from a troubled past towards a more peaceful future. This card indicates that you have made the decision to move away from what no longer serves you. It is a time of healing, growth, and moving towards a brighter horizon.
Six of Swords Reversed Meaning
In the reversed position, the Six of Swords suggests that you may be holding onto past traumas or unresolved issues, preventing you from fully moving forward. It is important to reflect upon and address any emotional baggage before embracing change. Take the time to heal and seek support if needed.
Six of Swords
Tarot Card Interpretations
in Love & Relationships
In matters of love and relationships, the Six of Swords suggests that you are ready to leave behind previous heartaches and move towards a more harmonious and peaceful partnership. It signifies the end of a difficult period and a shift towards emotional balance and stability. If you are single, it may be a sign that you are emotionally ready for a new relationship.
in Career & Finances
In terms of career and finances, the Six of Swords indicates a period of transition and moving away from a job or situation that has been causing stress or dissatisfaction. It suggests that you are actively seeking a more fulfilling role or exploring new opportunities. The card advises you to trust the journey and remain open to new possibilities, as positive change is on the horizon.
in Health & Well-being
When it comes to health and well-being, the Six of Swords indicates a period of healing and recovery. It suggests that you are moving away from physical or emotional distress towards a more stable and peaceful state. This card advises you to focus on self-care, seek support if needed, and trust the healing process. Take any necessary steps to improve your overall well-being.
Six of Swords
Tarot Card Advice
Six of Swords Upright Advice
When drawn upright in a reading, the Six of Swords advises you to embrace change and transition. It suggests that you may be in a period of leaving behind a challenging situation or a troubled state of mind. The card urges you to have faith in the journey ahead and trust in the process of healing and growth.
Six of Swords
Tarot Card Outcomes
- Embracing change
- Moving towards a new phase
- Letting go of the past
- Seeking a brighter future
- Emotional healing
- Releasing old wounds
- Finding peace within
- Supporting personal growth
- Trusting the process
- Seeking support
- Opening up to guidance
- Allowing others to help
Six of Swords Reversed
Tarot Card Interpretations
in Love & Relationships
In love and relationships, the reversed Six of Swords indicates that you may still be carrying the weight of past heartaches and find it challenging to fully let go and trust in new connections. It is crucial to address any emotional wounds and work towards healing before committing to a new relationship. Take the necessary time and space to nurture yourself.
in Career & Finances
When it comes to career and finances, the reversed Six of Swords suggests that you may be hesitant to leave behind a job or situation that is no longer serving you. There might be fear of the unknown or a lack of confidence in your ability to navigate change. This card advises you to overcome these obstacles by seeking guidance, reevaluating your goals, and taking small steps towards a new and more fulfilling path.
in Health & Spirit
In terms of health, the reversed Six of Swords indicates that you may be resisting necessary changes or holding onto unhealthy habits or patterns. This card encourages you to prioritize your well-being and address any emotional or physical issues. Seek professional help if necessary, and commit to making positive changes for your overall health and vitality.
Six of Swords Reversed
Tarot Card Advice
Six of Swords Reversed Advice
When drawn in the reversed position, the Six of Swords encourages you to reflect upon the difficulties and unresolved issues that you may be carrying with you. It asks you to assess whether you are truly ready to let go of the past and move forward. Take the time to address any emotional baggage or negative patterns before embarking on a new phase.
Six of Swords Reversed
Tarot Card Outcomes
Unresolved issues
- Reflection and introspection
- Addressing emotional baggage
- Healing past wounds
- Releasing negative patterns
Resistance to change
- Fear of the unknown
- Lack of confidence
- Seeking guidance and counseling
- Taking small steps towards change
- Completing unfinished business
- Accepting lessons learned
- Honoring the past
- Preparing for new beginnings