Seven of Pentacles
Tarot Card Meaning

Minor Arcana
  • Evaluation
  • Patience
  • Long-term Goals
Seven of Pentacles tarot card from the Rider–Waite Tarot Deck
The Seven of Pentacles tarot card from the Rider–Waite Tarot Deck

The Seven of Pentacles is a card that reflects the importance of patience and perseverance in the pursuit of long-term goals. In the image on the card, a person is standing among their flourishing garden, taking a moment to pause and reflect on their progress. This card represents the point in a journey where one has put in considerable effort and is now assessing the results of their labor.

The scene on the card depicts a sense of anticipation and contemplation. It suggests that while the fruits of one's labor are visible, there is a need to pause and evaluate whether the current approach is yielding the desired outcomes. It serves as a reminder that sometimes it is necessary to take a step back, reevaluate, and make necessary adjustments to ensure continued growth and success.

What does the Seven of Pentacles card mean?

Seven of Pentacles Upright Meaning

The Seven of Pentacles, when drawn upright, generally signifies a period of waiting, evaluation, and reflection. It urges you to take stock of your progress and adjust your strategies if needed. This card reminds you that success is not always instantaneous, and it often requires consistent effort and patience. Keep your long-term goals in mind, and use this moment of pause to consider if you are truly satisfied with the direction you are heading.

Seven of Pentacles Reversed Meaning

When the Seven of Pentacles appears in reverse, it often indicates feelings of frustration or impatience. You may be experiencing a lack of progress or results in your endeavors, which can be discouraging. However, this card serves as a reminder to not give up. Instead, use this moment of setback as an opportunity to reassess your strategies and make any necessary adjustments. Patience and persistence are still key. Don't let temporary obstacles discourage you from your long-term goals.

Seven of Pentacles
Tarot Card Interpretations

in Love & Relationships

In matters of love and relationships, the Seven of Pentacles suggests that patience and perseverance are necessary. It may indicate a time where you need to evaluate the progress or stability of your relationship. This card reminds you to be patient and invest the necessary effort to nurture your partnership. Take this time to communicate openly, address any potential issues, and ensure that you and your partner are aligned in your long-term desires.

in Career & Finances

In a career context, the Seven of Pentacles often signifies the need to reassess your current professional path. Evaluate whether your efforts and investments align with your long-term goals. Are your current strategies and projects truly taking you where you want to go? This card suggests that you may need to consider making adjustments or exploring new opportunities to ensure continued growth and success. Trust the process, be patient, and focus on the long-term outcomes.

in Health & Well-being

When it comes to health and well-being, the Seven of Pentacles suggests a need for patience and evaluation. Take the time to assess your overall health and well-being. Are your current habits and practices contributing positively to your long-term physical and mental well-being? This card reminds you to be patient with any health challenges you may be facing and to trust the progress you are making. Consider making adjustments if necessary and focus on long-term sustainable practices.

Seven of Pentacles
Tarot Card Advice

Seven of Pentacles Upright Advice

When the Seven of Pentacles appears upright in a reading, it is a sign that you have been investing your time, energy, and resources into a particular project or goal. This card advises you to take a moment to assess and evaluate your progress. Engage in introspection and ask yourself if your efforts align with your long-term objectives. Are you on the right track? Are you truly satisfied with the fruits of your labor?

Seven of Pentacles
Tarot Card Outcomes


  • Assessing progress
  • Reflecting on efforts
  • Reevaluating strategies


  • Remaining calm and patient
  • Trusting the process
  • Avoiding impulsive decisions

Long-term Goals

  • Keeping a long-term perspective
  • Aligning efforts with goals
  • Investing for future success

Seven of Pentacles
Tarot Card Pairings

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