Four of Cups
Tarot Card Meaning

Minor Arcana
  • Contemplation
  • Apathy
  • Missed opportunities
Four of Cups tarot card from the Rider–Waite Tarot Deck
The Four of Cups tarot card from the Rider–Waite Tarot Deck

The Four of Cups is a card that depicts a figure sitting under a tree, seemingly lost in deep contemplation. Three cups are presented before them, while a fourth cup is being offered by a hand emerging from a cloud. However, the figure appears disinterested in the world around them, as they gaze intently at the fourth cup, seemingly unaware of the potential opportunities that surround them.

This card symbolizes introspection, apathy, and missed opportunities. It represents a moment of emotional withdrawal, where someone may be lost in their own thoughts and disconnected from the world.

What does the Four of Cups card mean?

Four of Cups Upright Meaning

When drawn upright, the Four of Cups represents a period of introspection and contemplation. It suggests a time when you may be withdrawing emotionally, ignoring the potential opportunities that are available to you. While it is important to reflect on your feelings and desires, be mindful not to become too fixated on what is missing or discontented with your current situation. The card calls for a balanced perspective, encouraging you to maintain an open mind and remain receptive to new possibilities.

Four of Cups Reversed Meaning

The reversed Four of Cups signifies a shift in your perspective and a newfound awareness of the opportunities that surround you. You are now open to possibilities and ready to receive what the universe has to offer. This card encourages you to break free from emotional detachment and engage with the world around you, as new and exciting opportunities may present themselves.

Four of Cups
Tarot Card Interpretations

in Love & Relationships

In matters of love and relationships, the Four of Cups suggests that you may be experiencing a lack of emotional fulfillment. You may find yourself dissatisfied or disconnected from your partner. It is crucial to communicate your needs and concerns openly, as your partner may not be aware of your emotional state. This card urges you to take an active role in finding fulfillment within your relationship or considering new opportunities that may bring you the love and connection you desire.

in Career & Finances

In terms of career and fortune, the Four of Cups indicates a period of dissatisfaction or lack of motivation. You may feel unfulfilled or disinterested in your current job or circumstances. This card invites you to examine your true desires and passions and consider whether your current path aligns with them. It may be time to explore new opportunities, take risks or pursue a different career path that offers more fulfillment and satisfaction.

in Health & Well-being

When it comes to health and spirituality, the Four of Cups suggests a need for emotional healing and introspection. You may be feeling disconnected from your inner self or experiencing emotional stagnation. It is essential to take the time to address any emotional blockages or unresolved issues that may be affecting your overall well-being. Engage in practices such as meditation, therapy, or self-reflection to cultivate emotional balance and growth.

Four of Cups
Tarot Card Advice

Four of Cups Upright Advice

When the Four of Cups appears upright in a reading, it suggests that you may be feeling discontent or emotionally unfulfilled with your current circumstances. You may find yourself daydreaming or longing for something more, but be cautious not to become too fixated on what you perceive as missing in your life. This card serves as a reminder to be open to new opportunities and avoid becoming too absorbed in your own thoughts and desires.

Four of Cups
Tarot Card Outcomes


  • Engage in self-reflection
  • Meditate on your emotions
  • Evaluate your desires and goals


  • Guard against emotional withdrawal
  • Stay connected to the world around you
  • Seek excitement and stimulation

Missed opportunities

  • Open your eyes to new possibilities
  • Be receptive to unexpected opportunities
  • Take risks and embrace change

Four of Cups
Tarot Card Pairings

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