The Lovers
Tarot Card Meaning

Major Arcana
  • Choice
  • Partnership
  • Harmony
The Lovers tarot card from the Rider–Waite Tarot Deck
The Lovers tarot card from the Rider–Waite Tarot Deck

The Lovers card is one of the most iconic and evocative cards in the tarot deck. Depicted on the card is a man and a woman standing before an angel, representing choices, union, and harmony. This card often carries deep emotional significance and explores themes of love, relationships, and partnerships. The Lovers represents a pivotal moment where decisions and commitments are made, leading to profound transformation.

The imagery on The Lovers card often portrays Adam and Eve, symbolizing the choice between embracing temptation and following the path of divine love. Beyond romantic or sexual connections, this card also signifies the union of opposites and the integration of different aspects of the self. It prompts contemplation on the duality and interplay between our desires, values, and inner selves.

What does The Lovers card mean?

The Lovers Upright Meaning

The Lovers card in an upright position generally represents choices, partnerships, and harmony. It signifies the need to make important decisions and commit to a path that aligns with your core values and desires. It suggests a time of deep emotional connection and the possibility of union, whether romantic, platonic, or even spiritual. This card often points to a significant turning point in your life, where choices made with love and integrity lead to profound transformation.

The Lovers Reversed Meaning

When The Lovers card appears in reverse, it can indicate disharmony, disconnection, or difficult choices. It may suggest that you find yourself at a crossroads where decisions made without genuine love and integrity can lead to unfulfilling outcomes. It is crucial to reassess your choices and relationships to ensure they align with your authentic self. Take the time to reflect on the patterns and values that guide your decisions, and make adjustments where necessary.

The Lovers
Tarot Card Interpretations

in Love & Relationships

In matters of love and relationships, The Lovers card is highly auspicious. It symbolizes strong connections and harmonious partnerships. If you are single, this card may indicate a meeting with a potential soulmate or an invitation to be more open and receptive to love. For those in a relationship, it suggests deepening emotional bonds and renewed passion. It reminds you to nurture and invest in your partnerships and make choices based on genuine love and connection.

in Career & Finances

When The Lovers card appears in a career reading, it suggests that choices related to work and professional relationships are crucial. It may indicate a forthcoming partnership or collaboration that will have a significant impact on your career path. The card encourages you to choose opportunities that align with your passions and values, ensuring a harmonious and fulfilling work environment. It may also suggest a need for balance between personal and professional commitments.

in Health & Well-being

In terms of health and well-being, The Lovers card often signifies a need for balance and integration. It suggests that maintaining physical and emotional harmony is essential for overall health. It may also encourage you to cultivate a loving and compassionate relationship with yourself. The card reminds you to listen to your intuition and make choices that support your holistic well-being.

The Lovers
Tarot Card Advice

The Lovers Upright Advice

When The Lovers card appears upright in a reading, it is a positive omen indicating significant choices and opportunities for love, relationships, and personal growth. It suggests a time of deep connection and unity, whether it is in a romantic partnership, friendship, or even a creative collaboration. The card signifies that you are being presented with options that align with your values and desires. It encourages you to trust your intuition and make decisions based on your truth.

The Lovers
Tarot Card Outcomes


  • Evaluate options
  • Listen to your intuition
  • Consider long-term consequences
  • Make decisions with love
  • Align choices with your values


  • Open your heart to love
  • Embrace collaboration
  • Seek emotional connection
  • Form deep bonds
  • Nurture your relationships


  • Strive for balance
  • Integrate opposites
  • Create harmony within yourself
  • Promote peace in relationships
  • Foster understanding

The Lovers
Tarot Card Pairings

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