How to Read Tarot Cards: The Beginners Guide to Tarot Reading
Learn TarotPreparation Before the Reading
As an aspiring Tarot reader, you must understand the importance of the preparation phase in each Tarot reading session. The question you ask and the tarot spread you select set the pathway for the ensuing session. These elements function as the foundation - shaping the context of your reading, resulting in more helpful insights.
Open-Ended vs. Yes or No Questions
Your question forms the primary guide for your tarot reading. The Universe responds to your energy, and your question channels that energy.
Tarot is insightful not because it gives a straight yes or no answer, but because it unveils the layers and complexities of situations. Therefore, always strive to ask open-ended questions which allow for a more detailed and panoramic view of the situation.
On the contrary, yes-or-no questions may provide straightforward answers, but they limit the depth and expansiveness of your tarot readings. Asking the tarot, “Should I take this job?” can result in a ‘yes’ or ‘no’, but won’t reveal pertinent details like what challenges or opportunities the new role might present.
Here are a few good examples of open-ended questions:
- What do I need to focus on to improve my career prospects?
- How can I attract a fulfilling relationship in my life?
Avoid asking yes-or-no questions that limit the insights of the cards:
- Will I get promoted this year?
- Is my partner cheating on me?
The more explicit and comprehensive your questions are, the better the Universe can guide you through the cards.
Choosing the Right Tarot Spread Layout
Once you have a well-phrased query, let’s understand different tarot layouts or spreads. Each tarot spread comes with its unique energy, and the choice of spread depends on the nature of your question.
The tarot spread serves as the map for your tarot reading. Each position within the spread represents different elements of your question or situation. One of the simplest is the “Three-Card Spread” - with cards signifying the past, present, and future. For complex issues requiring more nuanced understanding, ‘The Celtic Cross Tarot Spread’ with its 10 cards, providing detailed insights is apt.
Also crucial is realizing what each card’s position symbolizes in the chosen tarot spread. For example, in the aforementioned Celtic Cross layout, the card in position one signifies the present or the issue at hand. The subsequent card reflects the obstacles to be overcome, while the card in the tenth spot points to the potential outcome.
Remember, understanding tarot cards and their meanings isn’t about rigid memorization. Our connections with tarot cards evolve over time, and our interpretations may change with life experiences.
Browse our interactive online tarot spreads
How to Read and Interpret Tarot Cards
When learning tarot card reading, it’s crucial to master the art of tarot card interpretation. The symbols, imagery, and card positions all play a role in unveiling the meanings beneath the reading. It’s also about tapping into the deeper symbolism behind the imagery, unraveling the significance of their positions within the spread, and establishing a holistic understanding of the story the cards are telling.
Understand the Tarot Symbols and Imagery
Tarot cards’ imagery is packed with vital messages that can shape your understanding. Each symbol and image contributes profoundly to a card’s overall meaning.
- Card Color: Indicates the card’s energy. Warm colors usually represent positive, dynamic energy, while cool colors represent spiritual and emotional intelligence.
- Symbolism: Each symbol on the card represents a specific concept or philosophy.
- Imagery: The images or scenes on the cards show the situation you’re dealing with.
Remember to consider any possible cultural and personal connotations of these symbols as your own experiences can greatly influence how you interpret them.
Discover the meanings of all 78 tarot cards
Significance of the Card’s Position in the Spread
In tarot readings, the position of each card in a spread contextualizes their meaning. For instance, in a three-card spread representing “Past-Present-Future”, the same card will provide different insights in each position.
- Past Position: Signifies events, beliefs or influences from the past that are impacting the current situation.
- Present Position: Represents the current situation or the querent’s mindset.
- Future Position: Predicts possible outcomes if things continue on their current trajectory.
It’s crucial to understand the context provided by each position to generate a correct and comprehensive interpretation.
Relating the Cards to Each Other
Just as a book is more than a series of disconnected words, a tarot reading is more than the sum of its parts. It’s essential to read the cards together, as their meanings can influence each other. The meaning of a single card can change significantly when paired with another.
For example, The Sun card, signifying optimism and joy, might alter the interpretation of an adjacent Four of Cups card, traditionally representing dissatisfaction. Seeing these together may suggest that joy and satisfaction are within reach if one changes their perspective.
Keep in mind the following points when reading tarot cards collectively:
- Identifying themes among the cards
- Studying the flow or progression between cards
- Noticing whether the cards are predominantly from a certain suit or arcana.
Interpreting Reversed Tarot Cards
Reversed cards, or cards that appear upside down during a reading, can often cause confusion. However, they are not inherently negative.
They may depict delay or resistance in the situation being analyzed, or an alternative perspective on the upright meaning. For instance, The Fool reversed may caution against hasty decisions, rather than its upright meaning which encourages taking a leap of faith.
When reading, keep an open mind as you attempt to understand the reversed card’s individual message. Understanding reversed tarot cards is a key step to deepening your tarot knowledge.
Advice for Troublesome Readings
You’ve chosen your tarot spread, shuffled your deck, laid out your cards, and… now what? What happens if the meaning behind the cards appears unclear, or when the interpretation proves to be more challenging than you initially thought?
There will be instances in your tarot journey where interpreting the cards might seem more challenging than usual. This might be due to unclear cards, difficult to grasp meanings, or a clouded state of mind. When such situations arise, don’t get disheartened. Every reader, no matter how advanced, has faced confusing or troublesome readings at some point. The key is learning how to overcome the hiccups and deepen your understanding of tarot readings.
Navigating Through Unclear Cards
Occasionally you may draw cards that seem unclear or difficult to interpret in context of the question asked. This could be a result of several factors such as your emotional state, a misalignment between your question and the tarot spread, or complex, layered meanings of the card which need further contemplation.
“Clarity is the crux of tarot reading, but what many forget is that it’s not instantly achieved, but rather something that flows with comprehension and patience.”
Here are some things you can do:
- Calm your mind: At times, emotional stress or mental clutter may hinder the interpretation process. Take a few deep breaths, relax and then take another look at the cards.
- Clarify the meaning: Look at the card symbolism and intuitive feelings it brings. Refer to a reliable Tarot guidebook if needed.
- Draw a clarifier card: If the meaning remains elusive, you could draw an additional card for more context.
Reframing the Tarot Reading
Sometimes, the issue might lie in how the question was phrased in relation to the card layout used. Tarot responds well to precise, open-ended questions rather than vague or yes/no queries. In such a case, consider rephrasing your question or reshuffling your deck.
Here are some suggestions:
- Review the question: Is it in line with what you want to uncover? For instance, instead of asking “Will I get a job?” ask “What should I focus on to increase my chances of getting a job?“.
- Change the spread: If your question requires a holistic view, a single-card pull may be insufficient. Try using a comprehensive spread, like the Celtic Cross.
- Reshuffle the deck: If the energy feels off, place all the cards back and reshuffle them. Remember to focus intently on your question while shuffling.
Activating your Intuition
Another key to uncloaking ambiguous readings is to tune into your intuition. Exploring ways to tap into your intuition can be beneficial, some of these may include:
- Meditating before the reading to quiet your mind and tune within.
- Trusting the first thought, feeling or impression that comes to you as you draw a card.
- Paying attention to repeated patterns or symbols that show in readings.
How to Improve Your Tarot Reading Skills
As with any skill, becoming proficient in tarot reading requires practice and patience. Tarot is a rich language of symbols with both specific meanings and broad themes. Improving your tarot reading skill sets involves more than merely memorizing each card’s traditional meanings. Your personal relationship with cards and intuition plays an important role.
Keeping a Tarot Reading Journal
One of the most effective ways to become comfortable with tarot is by maintaining a tarot reading journal. A tarot journal is where you record your tarot readings, your thoughts, and impressions of each card, and it becomes a personal road map of your tarot journey.
Tip: Consider recording the date, question asked, tarot spread used, cards drawn, your initial interpretation, and later reflections on the reading.
- Encourages Reflection: Writing in a journal encourages you to take a closer look at the cards, meditate on the images, and reach your interpretation. This process can deepen your understanding of tarot cards.
- Tracks Progress: A journal is also a great way to track your progress as a reader. You can look back on past readings and see how your interpretations have evolved over time or how your intuition has improved.
- Personal Reference: It can act as a personal reference book. Even experienced readers sometimes scratch their heads at a challenging card in a complex reading - your journal can be a treasure trove of personal insights on such challenging reads.
Practice Tarot Reading Exercises
Consistent practice is essential for improving your tarot skills. Here are some exercises that can help:
- Daily Card Draw: One of the easiest ways to practice reading tarot is by drawing one card each day. Think about the card’s meaning, how it applies to your life currently, or how it might guide your day.
- Themed Readings: Practice themed readings. For example, you could do relationship readings one week, career readings the next.
- Reading For Others: Once you’re comfortable with the cards, offer readings for friends or family. Reading for others presents an excellent opportunity to interact with a variety of questions and situations.
- Tarot Card Combinations: Practice interpreting tarot card combinations. The meanings can change considerably depending on which cards appear together in a reading.
Remember, it’s not about getting it “right”, but exploring the potential meanings and interpretations.
The Importance of Patience and Time
Be patient with your progress. Developing tarot reading skills takes time and patience. Remember, there’s no rush or a fixed deadline to become an expert. The journey is as important as the destination.
Remember: Each tarot reader has a personal style and approach. What works for one reader might not work for another. Be patient with yourself and allow your relationship with the Tarot to develop naturally.
Overall, improving tarot reading abilities is a continuous process. Keeping a tarot journal, practicing regularly, and having patience will surely enhance your tarot reading prowess over time.